Why should I work with a travel agent?
The question I am asked most often is, "How can you be in business in this internet age when I can book everything online myself?"
That may be true, but how do you find the time to sort through and verify all your search engine results; and do you trust the websites and more importanly the customer service of the providers you are booking? Where do you turn when something goes wrong?
You spend a lot of time and money on a vacation, so why not invest in a reliable agent to assist and be your advocate? The cost of using an agent is often less than what you would pay when booking on your own. And the peace of mind is invaluable.
The American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) points out that "agents are experienced and knowledgeable . . . and uniquely positioned to guide their clients in making informed travel decisions.”
Furthermore in the current international climate, "their proven knowledge of destinations...enables them to customize travel itineraries tailored to their clients' comfort level....They stand behind clients who need to change their plans at any time, not just in an emergency. And they can advise and assist consumers in obtaining travel insurance if clients want to protect their investment in a trip or have the flexibility to modify or cancel that trip."
This article by the Boston Globe has some great points as well. We are happy to address any additional questions or conerns you may have about working with us.